Elementary School (K-5)

The Linden ESL Program for ELLs provides instruction in English for students in grades K-5. Students participating in the Elementary ESL program attend schools #2, #6, #8, or #9, where they experience a combination of both the “push in” and “pull out” models of teaching. For thirty to forty minutes each day, a highly-qualified, certified ESL teacher provides support in the mainstream K-3 classrooms. During this “push in” period, the ESL teacher coordinates small group instruction according to reading and proficiency levels. At this time, students acquire English through participation in a variety of literacy enhancement activities.

In addition to the above described “push in” instruction, students ingrates 1 through 5 also receive support through 30 minutes of “pull out” activities, delivered according to grade and proficiency levels. During this time, the ESL teacher follows a curriculum based on the WIDA standards and provides instruction to strengthen the students’ language in all four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Teachers employ a variety of resources in order to teach the standards-based themes and topics of the ESL curriculum.

Students at Linden’s School #2 enjoy the additional benefit of being participants in our district’s Spanish Part-Time Bilingual Program. An ESL teacher provides literacy support in the mainstream classroom during the Language Arts block via the “push in” model. Furthermore, the ESL teacher “pulls out” students in a small group setting for one period per day based on the students’ grade level and English proficiency; during this time the ESL teacher follows a curriculum based on the WIDA standards and provides instruction to strengthen the students’ language in all four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, the ESL teacher may “pull out” individual students for an additional thirty minutes of instruction as needed.

Our English Language Learners are provided with the same materials as the general education mainstream students. The ESL teachers also have the option of using the following materials to supplement instruction: The Trophies ESL Kit, ELL Library, and the Rigby On the Way to English Program.

Students at School #6 enjoy the additional benefits of being participants in a Polish part-time Bilingual program. Our Polish ELLs receive daily instruction in mathematics and reading from a certified Polish bilingual teacher for a minimum of one period each day. An ESL teacher provides literacy support in the mainstream classroom during the Language Arts block and the teacher also pulls out the students for one period each day based on grade and proficiency level. During this time, the ESL teacher follows a curriculum based on the WIDA standards and provides instruction to strengthen the students; language in all four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, the ESL teacher may pull students for an additional thirty minutes of instruction as needed.

English Language Learners at School #8 receive thirty minutes of oral language development and content vocabulary through a “pull out” schedule delivered by a  certified ESL teacher. Students in grades K-5 also receive one period of high-intensity ESL instruction in the form of “push in” literacy instruction during the language arts block with the support of the ESL teacher for 30 to 40 minutes each day.

In addition, the ESL teacher pulls students for an additional thirty minutes of instruction as needed. The ESL students are provided wight he same materials as the general education students. In addition the ESL teachers may opt to use the following support materials: Trophies ESL Kit, ELL Library, and the Rigby On Our Way to English Program.

The ESL teacher follows a curriculum based on the WIDA standards and provides instruction to strengthen the students’ social and academic language proficiency in the four domains of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

The Linden Public Schools offer a High-Intensity instructional alternative program at School #9. Each day, all English Language Learners receive ESL instruction for two full periods.

Two certified ESL instructors utilize a combination of the “push in” and “pull out” models to provide each ESL student a daily developmental second-language program based on individual students’ needs. A part-time bilingual paraprofessional who is fluent in Haitian Creole is also part of the instructional team.