The Linden ESL Program for ELLs provides instruction in English for students in grades K-5. Students participating in the Elementary ESL program attend schools #2, #6, #8, or #9, where they experience a combination of both the “push in” and “pull out” models of teaching. For thirty to forty minutes each day, a highly-qualified, certified ESL teacher provides support in the mainstream K-3 classrooms. During this “push in” period, the ESL teacher coordinates small group instruction according to reading and proficiency levels. At this time, students acquire English through participation in a variety of literacy enhancement activities.
In addition to the above described “push in” instruction, students ingrates 1 through 5 also receive support through 30 minutes of “pull out” activities, delivered according to grade and proficiency levels. During this time, the ESL teacher follows a curriculum based on the WIDA standards and provides instruction to strengthen the students’ language in all four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Teachers employ a variety of resources in order to teach the standards-based themes and topics of the ESL curriculum.