Nurse’s Office

Soehl Middle School – Nurse’s Office

My name is AnaMaria Bacelos

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at: 908-486-0550 x 8761
or via email at:

The Nurse’s Door for parent pickup is located on the Elm St. side of the building. We cannot dismiss students to parents from the Henry St. entrance.  Also, please be advised that all visitors are required to show an ID when coming to the building. This is done out of an abundance of precaution to protect all students and staff members. Thank you for your cooperation!

The role of the school nurse is to support the physical, mental, emotional and social health of students, thereby promoting educational success. The following is a guideline to help you understand the duties of the school nurse and the responsibilities of parents and guardians.

HEALTH ASSESSMENT: A medical file of each child is kept in the Nurse’s Office. The file contains health history, screening results including height, weight, vision, hearing, blood pressure, scoliosis results, physical exam results, allergies, medical concerns and immunizations. This file follows your child through high school. Please inform the nurse of any illnesses, injuries, hospitalizations, allergies, shots or medications occurring during a student’s time in the Linden Public School system so that our records are up to date.

IMMUNIZATIONS: New Jersey state law requires mandatory immunizations for school attendance. Students entering Linden Public Schools for the first time must have immunization records reviewed before entrance.
Incoming 6th grade students must have documentation of the Tdap and meningococcal vaccines before returning to school or risk exclusion.

MEDICATIONS: Medications may be given in school ONLY with a written doctor’s order and written permission from the parent or guardian. This includes over the counter medications, creams, lotions, eye drops, cough drops as well as prescription medications. The medication must be in the original labeled container. Medication policy and administration forms are available in the Nurse’s Office.

ABSENCES: If your child is absent, you must call the nurse or main office. You will receive a call if we do not hear from you. A note is to be sent in when your child returns, and a doctor’s note is required for absences of three days or more.

EMERGENCY FORMS: Emergency forms with accurate contact information must be completed each year and updated with any phone number or address changes immediately.

ILLNESS OR INJURY: The nurse is available for any child who becomes ill or injured at school. Please do not send your child to school ill. The following are some guidelines to help you know when your child should be kept home and when to return to school after illness.

Fever of 100F or above: May return if fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication, such as Tylenol, Advil or Motrin.

Loose stool/diarrhea: May return if symptom free for 24 hours

Vomiting: May return if symptom free for 24 hours

Rash: May return when rash is gone or with a doctor’s note.

Ringworm: May return with doctor’s note and/or appropriate treatment. Area must be covered while in school.

Eye Inflammation: May return with doctor’s note or effective treatment for a minimum of 24 hours

Head lice: Must be lice and nit free in order to return to school.