Linden High School recently got a chance to host a contingent of educators from Plainfield Public Schools to show off its TV studio to discuss the school’s student news program.
Plainfield High School is interested in expanding its multimedia program, and Superintendent Dr. Diane Mitchell reached out to Linden Superintendent Dr. Marnie Hazelton after seeing Linden High School’s TNT Student News.
“We were happy to host our colleagues from Plainfield to share thoughts about our shared interest in enhancing our technology and communications curriculums,” Dr. Hazelton said. “This kind of collaboration allows us to share best practices and challenges in the area of Career and Technical Education and can only serve to lift up students in both of our school districts.”

Linden High School TV/Digital Media teacher Chris Paskewich said that having the special guests from Plainfield was a great experience for him and his students.
“The students put in a lot of hard work and time and dedication to TNT News,” he said. “It’s a great feeling when you hear feedback about how people like the show and want to see what you are doing.”
Plainfield’s contingent was led by Assistant Superintendent Mark A. Williams and included Chief Information Officer N. Chris Payne, Audio/Visual Specialist Azumi Baba Ndanani, IT Administrative Assistant Rose Carson, and Community Engagement Liaison Gloria Montealegre.

“We would like to thank Linden Public Schools for welcoming us to visit their television studio,” Williams said. “The visit was very informative and provided us with the necessary information needed to build our own studio.”
Playing host on the Linden side were Hazelton, Paskewich, TV/Digital Media teacher Gary Miller, and Supervisor of Instructional Technology Joseph Scaldino.
Paskewich showed visitors around his classroom/TV studio, which is located in the Linden High School Academy Building. He highlighted equipment his students use to plan, film, and edit the TNT News show that airs weekly on YouTube for LHS students and staff.

“Having the Plainfield team here was such a treat,” Paskewich said. “They were super excited to see what we do and eager to hear about the show. You can tell they are defiantly up-to-date on their knowledge of equipment and technique. They were familiar with our setup, but they weren’t afraid to ask questions.
“I think they left feeling good about the direction their program is going to be going in. If they can model the program we run at Linden High School for Plainfield High School, they will be on the right track.”