Special Education


Any parent or staff member can make a direct referral recommendation on a student for special education services by sending a letter to: specialeducationreferrals@lindenps.org

Dr. Marie Stefanick
Director of Special Education Ed.D

Academy of Excellence
170 Hussa Street
Linden, NJ 07036
Phone: 908-587-3285 x8680
Fax: 908-486-4020

Special Education Programs

Linden offers a wide variety of programs for students between the ages of three and twenty-one who require a more specialized instructional plan. Classified youngsters with these needs often receive instruction in a smaller class setting. Resource Center, In Class Support, Self-Contained, and Pre-School are some examples of the programs that are available. Students needing a more intense setting are sent to appropriate out of district facilities.

Pre-School Disabled

The Preschool Disabled Program (TEDDY) is a comprehensive, highly individualized program for youngsters ages three through five which offers intensive instruction in the areas of academic, speech/language, social/emotional and self-help skills.

For further information on this program, contact:
Vicki Picarello (908) 587-3285 x8675

In Class Support

In-Class Support is a special education program option for students with educational disabilities enrolled in general education classes. It is for classified pupils who spend the majority of their instructional day in regular education classes. There is a shared instructional responsibility between the regular class and the special education teacher geared to enabling the pupil to succeed in the regular class program.

Resource Programs

In a replacement resource program, the regular education curriculum and the instructional strategies may be modified based on the student’s IEP. The resource teacher has primary responsibility for all instruction. New Jersey Core Content Standards and district materials are utilized.

Self-Contained Programs

Self-Contained programs serve students who have similar educational needs in accordance with their IEP’s. A more individual and intensive educational program

is provided for each student. Currently the district has the following self-contained programs: Language/Learning Disabled, Multiple Disabled, Behavior Disabled, Autistic, and Pre-School Disabled.

Parent Programs

The Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a community resource for parents and educators of special needs students. Our focus is to provide current information with regards to special education issues, a support network and to enhance family and school collaboration. Also this council will provide various speakers throughout the year which are both informative and enjoyable. For more information, please contact:

Email: SEPAC@lindenps.org

Project Child Find

Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of underserved/underserved youth with a delay or disability from birth through twenty-one years of age.

In addition, Project Child Find develops and distributes information to the public about early intervention services and special education programs throughout New Jersey.



District Anti-Bullying Coordinator – Ryan Devaney rdevaney@lindenps.org / 908-486-2800 ext. 8036
Documents & Information