NJSLA testing at LHS

Dear Parents and Guardians,

NJSLA testing will take place at Linden High School on the dates below. Seniors and students who are not testing should report to school on those dates at 10:15 a.m and not before.

Thank you.

Testing Dates Students Participating in Testing 
NJSLA Math – May 12, 13 All students in Grade 9  Notified students in Grade 10 and 11 
NJSLA ELA – May 16, 17 All students in Grade 9 
NJSLA Science – May 24, 25 All students in Grade 11 
All seniors and students NOT testing must report to school at 10:15 AM on all testing days. 


District Anti-Bullying Coordinator – Ryan Devaney rdevaney@lindenps.org / 908-486-2800 ext. 8036
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