Community Notices

***These notices are submitted to the Linden Public School District for distribution to our parents and guardians, as most of them benefit our community’s children. However, the Linden Public School District does not endorse any of the activities related to the files. Prior to signing your child up for any of these activities, clubs, or events, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to determine the appropriateness of the event. We post these notices as nothing more than a public service.***

Community Notice Files

Covid-19-Flu Vaccination Clinic

1.06 MB 10803 Downloads

Brunch With Santa

542.90 KB 11378 Downloads

Cub Scout fishing derby Sept. 16

663.11 KB 11582 Downloads

Union County CARES Act Non-Profit Grant

384.72 KB 11855 Downloads

Safe Learning Setting Grant Child Care

902.94 KB 11859 Downloads

Union County Immunization Clinic

598.15 KB 11920 Downloads


    District Anti-Bullying Coordinator – Ryan Devaney / 908-486-2800 ext. 8036
    Documents & Information